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We're with you every mile

Workers' Compensation
Board of Trustees

District I
Bill Hemingway - Vice Chairman
H & S Oil Company
Andrews, SC 29510

District II
Frank Shumpert
Shumpert Oil Company
Pelion, SC 29123

District III
Eddie Adams
Lowry Oil Company, Inc.
Seneca, SC 29672

District IV
Elizabeth Gladson
R.L. Jordan Oil Co. of N.C., Inc.
Spartanburg, SC 29304

District V
Karol Kunkle
Kunkle Oil Company, Inc.
Newberry, SC 29108

District VI
Daly Ward - Chairman
Tucker Oil Co./Corner Pantry
Columbia, SC 29201

Michael Fields


South Carolina Petroleum Marketers Association
From the mountains to the coast and all points in between, we're with you every mile.

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