Monthly dues for "Active Members" are based on 44 cents per 1,000 gallons of product.  Members associated with convenience stores pay an additional $2 per store per month.  Minimum dues will be $55 per month or $660 per year and the maximum dues will be $500 per month or $6,000 per year.  SCPMA will calculate your dues and bill the first week of each month.

With their SCPMA membership, Active Members receive many valuable benefits.  So join today!

Questions? Please contact the us by calling 803-765-9570 or email us




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Company Name:                                               Key Contact or Principal and Title:



DBA:                                                                Brand(s):            



Address:                                                          Address Line 2 (if needed):




          State:                        Zip: 


Telephone:  --                   E-mail:  


FAX:           --   


Number of Stores Operated:                       Number of Gallons of Product Sold Each Month: