BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:WILD_APRICOT_EVENT_2108930_SESSION_1 DTSTART:20160302T140000Z DTEND:20160303T190000Z SUMMARY:2016 S.E. Petro-Food Marketing Expo LOCATION:Myrtle Beach Convention Center (Myrtle Beach\, SC) DESCRIPTION:\n\nThis two-day trade show & expo will feature the latest in retail & petroleum technology\, marketing & educational seminars as well as networking with industry leaders from throughout the region!\n Attendees\nTo Register\, click on link below:\n\n For Seminar Information\, click on link below:\n \n Exhibitors\nFor information\, click on link below:\n\n \n Contact Sharon Vinson\, Trade Show Director at\n 919-782-4411 OR Visit the Southeast Petro-Food Marketing Expo website at: for more details and to register.\n DTSTAMP:20160107T215607Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR