BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:WILD_APRICOT_EVENT_2108948_SESSION_1 DTSTART:20160518T040000Z DTEND:20160521T040000Z SUMMARY:2016 PMAA Washington Conference/Day on the Hill LOCATION:Washington\, D.C. DESCRIPTION:\n\n\n \nWashington D.C. Conference & Day on the Hill\n May 18-20\, 2016\n \n The leadership team of SCPMA will travel to Washington\, D.C. to meet with the South Carolina Congressional Delegation. These meetings play an integral part in helping to shape federal policies that benefit our membership.\n Interested in attending? Please Contact Donna Shook at (803) 765-9570 or\n Click here for further information.\n \n \n DTSTAMP:20160412T024510Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR