BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:WILD_APRICOT_EVENT_2109012_SESSION_1 DTSTART:20160625T220000Z DTEND:20160625T230000Z SUMMARY:Reception for Past Presidents\, Board Members & Top Sponsors of the 2016 NCPCM/SCPMA Joint Annual Convention LOCATION:The Omni Amelia Island Plantation Resort - Amelia Island\, Florida DESCRIPTION:\n\n \n \n VIP Reception for Past Presidents\, Board Members of NCPCM & SCPMA and Top Sponsors of the NCPMA/NCPCM\n12th Annual Joint Convention\n The Omni Amelia Island Plantation Resort\n Amelia Island\, Florida\n June 26-29\, 2016\n Please contact Donna Shook at 803-765-9570\nfor more information about sponsorships or click on the \n link below for more information. \n FINAL 2016 Convention Sponsorship Form 02 25 16.pdf\n \n If you have questions about registration or hotel room reservations\, \n please contact Teresa Calton or Sharon Vinson\n at (919) 782-4411. \n If you would like to donate an item or items for the auction\,\n please let NCPCM or SCPMA know.\n \n \n DTSTAMP:20160408T205034Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR