A/B UST Operator Certification

  • 02 Aug 2011
  • 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • SCPMA, 1809 Gadsden Street, Columbia, SC 29201

A/B UST Operator Certification Training Course

A/B UST Operator Registration Form 

Questions? Please contact Cameron Risher at SCPMA at (803) 765-9570 or by email [email protected]

Please read below for more details.


South Carolina Petroleum Marketers Association is pleased to offer A/B UST Operator Training Course. This satisfies the requirement of the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) Underground Storage Tank (UST) Control Regulations and the Energy Policy Act of 2005. All facilities must have operators trained by August 8, 2011. 

Owners must train three classes of operators

•1.       Class A - this employee has primary responsibility.

•2.       Class B - These are employees having daily on-site responsiblity for the operation and maintenance of underground storage tank systems.

•3.       Class C - These are daily, on-site employees having primary responsibility for addressing emergencies presented by a spill or release from an underground storage tank system.

Each facility will need at least one individual trained to perform the duties in each operator category (A,B and C). One individual may handle all three duties. UST owners may designate and train as many individuals in each operator class as needed for the size and complexity of the operations.

UST facilities that are manned will need at least one Class C operator available when the facility is in operation.hese books must be kept in the vehicle when hazardous materials are being transported.

Unmanned facilities are those sites that do not have an "on-site" presence. Regardless, the UST owner must designate and train an individual or individuals to perform the duties of operator Classes A, B and C for unmanned facilities. the Class C operator for an unmanned facility will be availe at a 24-hour number.

The state operator training goal is to enable the student to successfully comply with the requirement to prevent releases, detect releases and mitigate damage from releases. For more information on the elements of UST Operator Training, please visit:  www.scdhec.gov/environment

Questions? Please contact Cameron Risher at SCPMA at (803) 765-9570 or by email [email protected]

A/B UST Operator Registration Form

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