What is the Purpose of the S.C. Petroleum Marketers Association? |
SCPMA evolved from the S.C. Oil Jobbers Association, which was founded in 1935 when industry veterans saw a need to have representation for the independent oil entrepreneur. In 1986, SCOJA changed its name to S.C. Petroleum Marketers Association (SCPMA). Today, SCPMA is comprised of marketers, convenience store owners and suppliers to the industry. SCPMA serves its members through lobbying, regulatory notices, continuing education and member publications. The organization serves as a united voice for the industry.
Who Are Our Members? |
A: Members of the S.C. Petroleum Marketers Association:
Own more than 80 percent of the motor fuel retail outlets in the State.
Sold more than 2,149,000,000 gallons of taxable gasoline in 1999.
Operate the 4,055 retail outlets for motor fuel in South Carolina, including convenience stores, service stations and truck stops.
What Determines The Price of a Gallon of Gasoline? |
The cost of a barrel of crude oil. On Monday, January 29, that cost was $29.06.
One barrel of crude oil
(42 gallons) produces 19.5 gallons of gasoline - so it takes about one
barrel of crude per automobile to fill up.
Refining, transporting, storing and marketing of gasoline added up to approximately 64 cents per gallon of cost in 1995.
Federal taxes add another 18.4 cents per gallon, and S.C. taxes add another 16.75 cents per gallon in cost.
Facts About S.C. Convenience
Stores |
South Carolina convenience stores conduct 700 to 1,400 transactions a day.
It takes a minimum of eight to 10 staff people to run a store for one 24 hour cycle.
On average, 60 percent of the sales at a convenience store are gasoline sales.
New convenience stores in urban areas (populations 50,000 or greater) require an investment of $232,300 for motor fuel equipment and $23,100 for motor fuel inventory. For rural stores, the figures are $196,700 and $17,800. For both types of stores, motor fuel equipment is roughly two-thirds of total equipment costs for stores.
What Can Be Made From a 42-Gallon Barrel of Crude Oil? |
19.5 gallons of gasoline.
9.2 gallons of fuel oil (includes home heating oil and diesel fuel).
4.1 gallons of jet fuel.
2.3 gallons of residual fuel oil (heavy oils used as fuels in industry, marine transportation and for electric power generation)�
And other items such as liquefied refinery gasses, still gas, coke, asphalt and road oil, petrochemical
feedstocks, lubricants and kerosene.
What is Octane and Why it Is Important? |
Octane measures a fuel�s resistance to engine knock. The right level of octane prevents engine knock and ensures optimum performance.
Most cars give optimum performance on regular or mid-grade gasoline. If you are buying premium and your car�s not running any better than it does with a lower octane gasoline, you�re probably wasting money. However, some cars may operate better on premium because of additives. Additives, which are found in all
gasolines, keep engines clean and make them run more efficiently.
Octane requirements tend to increase with mileage, at least through the first 15,000 to 20,000 miles. And a car hauling heavy loads over hills requires more octane than the same car driving on level roads.
What Legislative Issues Affect Petroleum Marketers? |