Q: Sometimes my login is not requested. What does this mean?

A: The user name and password you previously supplied have been cached by your browser so it "remembers" your last login. Therefore, you will not be prompted for your login again when you open subsequent member pages until your browser's cache expires or is cleared.

Q: How do I place a classified ad?

A: Placing a classified on the site is easy! These classified ads are viewable by the general public over the Internet and can be a great resource for you. Only Members of the SCPMA can place a classified ad.

  • Under Member Tools, click Post Your Classified Ad

  • Select the category under which you want an ad to appear (if your category is not displayed, please contact us to make a new category suggestion). 

  • Browse to the bottom of that category and select "Place an Ad."

  • Complete the form (fields denoted by *** are required) and click the Submit button to immediately place your ad.

  • To view your ad, click Petroleum News, Classified Ads.

Q: How can I change my username or password to access member tools?

A: Please contact us to request that we change this information for you. 

Q: I can't access some information on the site from my web browser.

A: Your browser may not support some newer features we use on our web site, such as JavaScript. Upgrading your browser will give you the ability to experience many new innovations available on today's web sites and doesn't cost anything. We've included links below to the two most popularly-used web browsers so that you can upgrade:


Internet Explorer Download:      http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/default.htm

Netscape Navigator Download:  http://home.netscape.com/download/index.html?cp=djuc1

Q: Why do I need to login?

A: Our Member Tools are designed exclusively for SCPMA members. By using logins, we can protect information from general viewing and eliminate unwanted solicitations and junk emails.

Q: I need to change my information under member search.

A: Please let us know what changes you need by clicking here

Q: How can I order decals for my gas pumps on this web?

A: Decals can be ordered by printing one of our convenient decal order forms which you can mail to us with your payment. Members are charged only cost for these decals.

Q: Can I suggest new forms, FAQs or links?

A: Absolutely! We've included some of the most requested FAQs, forms and links on our site. If you'd like for us to add a new resource, or a link no longer works, please let us know!

Q: How do I bookmark this site?

A: Bookmarking our site in your list of browser favorites is a great way to access valuable member resources with a simple click. Please click here to bookmark us.


You can also make us your default home page when you start your browser by following these instructions:

Internet Explorer (4.0 example)
  • Select "Tools" and "Internet Options" from the toolbar at the top of the screen.
  • Click on the tab labeled "General".
  • Paste or type https://www.scpma.com into the "Address" field under "Home Page" and Click "OK."

Netscape (4.0 example)

  • Select "Edit" and "Preferences" from the toolbar at the top of the screen.
  • Select the Category labeled "Navigator"
  • Make sure to select the "Home page" button
  • Paste or type https://www.scpma.com into the "Location" field and click "OK."

Q: Questions not covered here.

A: If you have any questions that have not been answered here, please let us know by emailing us at [email protected] or calling us at 803-765-9570 or 1-800-765-9571.

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