SCPMA Member Benefits
Full-Time Lobbyist
SCPMA’s Lobbyist Michael Fields has over 30 years of State House experience and actively engages with many of the 170 state legislators. Efforts are focused on issues directly affecting the petroleum & convenience store industry. This historical representation has ensured that we have a significant role in shaping public policy on issues impacting you. Some issues include:
· SUPERB Funding & Viability
· UST/AST Regulations
· C-Store Safety Issues
· Taxes
· Gasoline Drive-Offs
· Tobacco & Alcohol Sales
· Below Cost Sales & Liability
· Lottery
· Blending Below the Rack Law
SUPERB Advisory Committee
In 1993, the SC General Assembly established the SUPERB Advisory Committee to participate in the implementation and administration of the SUPERB program. Our association is an official member of this committee, so a representative from SCPMA is always able to contribute to the direction of this program.
Congressional Delegation
Each year, members of SCPMA travel to Washington, D.C. to meet with the South Carolina Congressional Delegation, which plays an integral part in helping to shape federal policies that benefit you.
Annual Membership Directory
Our directory includes contact information for all of the members of SCPMA, the 170 members of the South Carolina’s General Assembly and SC’s congressional delegation. We encourage our members to do business with one another, which makes this book a vital resource.
Monthly Fuel Line Newsletter
Our award-winning monthly publication provides members with the latest information about federal, state and local trends that directly impact the way you do business.
Fuel Facts E-Blasts
This email bulletin gives SCPMA members the latest industry news to help keep you in compliance with state and federal regulations.
You have a one-stop resource for upcoming events, links to state and federal agencies, frequently asked questions and the latest industry facts. Members can also take advantage of an exclusive member benefit by adding their company's website link to SCPMA's website. This link puts potential customers and clients just a click away from your products and services.
As another exclusive member benefit, only SCPMA members may advertise in the Fuel Line, Fuel Facts, Annual Membership Directory and on
Educational Programs
Throughout the year, SCPMA sponsors various educational seminars, such as HazMat, Designated Risk Management Training, and C-store management allowing you to keep your certifications current and learn the latest industry information.
Joint SC/NC Convention
Our annual convention, currently held with the North Carolina Petroleum and Convenience Marketers, is a great chance for marketers and suppliers to learn about new trends and products in the industry. This family affair is held at sought-after destinations and has become a "don't miss" event.
PAC Golf Tournament
Our annual tournament gives our supplier members the opportunity to network with our marketer members in a relaxed setting. The proceeds from the tournament support the SCPMA Political Action Committee. The SCPMA PAC gives petroleum marketers the chance to financially support those elected officials who have a proven record of support for our industry.
Southeast Petro-Food Marketing Expo
SCPMA, along with our sister organizations in North Carolina and Virginia, host an annual industry tradeshow that showcases the latest industry products and services. With more than 400 exhibitors, the Southeast Expo is the nation's largest regional petroleum and convenience store show.
SCPMA Recommended Services
Insurance Plans - SCPMA members can achieve significant discounts by using our recommended insurance provider, Federated Insurance. They know the petroleum industry well and can meet your needs for property & casualty, workers’ compensation and financial protection services.
Industry Partners
The Petroleum Marketers Association of America (PMAA) and the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) serve as our industry voices in Washington D.C. Both PMAA & NACS are excellent sources of timely information and they play a vital role in shaping federal policy to benefit you.
Industry Discounts
As a member of SCPMA, you will be eligible for discounts on a variety of services offered through PMAA’s Member Services Program. SCPMA also receives additional discounts, including a subscription discount to Oil Express.
If you would like to learn more about these discounts or any of the benefits of membership, please call Michael or Donna at SCPMA.