SCPMA wants you to get the most value for your dollar. When you obtain a membership in our organization, you not only get networking opportunities, and a chance to share information and ideas, you also get a variety of representation on the local, state and federal levels. Our benefits lead the way for petroleum marketers in South Carolina to have the tools of the trade at their fingertips! If you have any questions about our membership benefits, please call us or email us at [email protected]. |
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Our lobbyist is a full-time staff member of our organization. That means his lobbying interests are solely with the petroleum marketing industry. Through lobbying efforts, you have a voice in your industry's future. Below is just a sample of the issues SCPMA actively works:
SCPMA publishes an annual directory, which is a must-have in the petroleum business. Our monthly newsletter, Fuel Line, provides members with the latest information about national and local trends that can affect the way you do business. The Fuel Facts, our one-page bulletin, is sent to members every week via email so you can know about the latest industry news and make sure you are in compliance with government and state regulatory agencies. Our web site is an at-your-fingertips resource so you can have access to news, regulatory forms and other tools you need 24 hours a day! Please bookmark our site and check it often. |
SCPMA has a UST Committee, compromised of marketers and environmental consultants, in places that meets with SCDHEC quarterly to address UST regulatory concerns. SCPMA also works with other state agencies on issues of above-ground storage tanks, OSHA workplace safety, wage and hour laws and beer and wine permitting. |
SCPMA gives its suppliers many opportunities to get their name in front of their clients. Only SCPMA suppliers may advertise in our newsletter and directory, and only SCPMA supplier members may contribute information to our newsletter for a monthly "News to Use" column. All supplier members are also invited to exhibit during the Southeastern Petro Trade Show. |
SCPMA's PAC Golf Tournament is a golden opportunity for suppliers to network with potential clients and reward loyal customers. The SCPMA Annual Convention is a great networking opportunity, and it is a great chance for marketers to learn about new trends and products in the industry. It's also a great family affair, usually held at a 4-star resort.
The 2004 PAC Golf Tournament will be held May 3, 2003 at the beautiful Columbia Country Club in Blythewood, SC.
The 2004 Convention will be held July 17-20 at the The Westin Resort and Spa in Savannah, Georgia. This will be a joint convention with the Petroleum and Convenience Marketers of Alabama and Georgia Oilmen's Association. |
SCPMA members will have all of their insurance needs provided at a significant discount by our endorsed insurance provider, Federated Insurance. Our members are also eligible to participate in the Association's self-insured workers compensation program - with some of the lowest premiums in the state. American Fidelity Insurance is the SCPMA-endorsed disability insurance carrier, which also provides Section 125 Fringe Benefit Plan administrative services at no cost to members. |
Each year, SCPMA hosts educational seminars which give you the latest information on issues such as wage and hour laws, OSHA and workers compensation. The Association also has in place a Convenience Store Manager Certification Series to help keep you and your employees abreast of the latest trends, techniques and regulations of your industry. |
SCPMA provides Active Members an affiliation with the Petroleum Marketers Association of America, our voice in Washington, D.C. SCPMA members also enjoy a strong relationship with the National Association of Convenience Stores, a wealth of information for the retailer. We also join with North Carolina and Virginia every year for the Southeastern Petro Trade Show in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. |