Full Time Lobbyist
Our lobbyist is a full-time staff member of our organization. That means his lobbying interests are solely with the petroleum marketing industry. Through lobbying efforts, you have a voice in your industry's future. Below is just a sample of the issues SCPMA actively works on:
- Gas Taxes (Local and Statewide)
- Cigarette Taxes
- C-Store Safety Issues
- Superb Account Funding
- Below Cost Sales
- American Indian Tax
- Gasoline Drive-Offs
- Above Ground Tank Regulation
- Shoplifting
- Alcohol Sales and Liability
- Lottery
- Federal Motor Fuel Float
Newsletter, Directory, Weekly News Bulletin and Web Site
SCPMA publishes an annual directory, which is a must-have in the petroleum business. Our monthly newsletter, Fuel Line, provides members with the latest information about national and local trends that can affect the way you do business. The Fuel Facts, our one-page bulletin, is sent to members every week via email so you can know about the latest industry news and make sure you are in compliance with government and state regulatory agencies.
Our web site is an at-your-fingertips resource so you can have access to news, regulatory forms and other tools you need 24 hours a day! Please bookmark our site and check it often.
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