John W. Rabb, Jr.
P.O. Drawer 1287
Camden, SC  29020
803-425-4216 (fax)
[email protected]
SCPMA General Counsel
Nexsen, Pruet, Jacobs & Pollard
Tommy Lavender
PO Drawer 2426
Columbia, SC  29202
803-253-8277 (fax)
[email protected]
SCPMA Environmental Law Attorney
Walker Hunter and Associates
Ted Contos or Jack Morgan
P.O. Box 212848
Columbia, SC  29221
803-798-6383 (fax)
[email protected]

Workers Compensation Insurance
Federated Insurance
Donald Jones
115 Atrium Way, Ste. 115
Columbia, SC  29223
803-736-9989 (fax)
Multi-Line Insurance Company that is SCPMA-Endorsed for Health Insurance
Sloan, Montgomery, Gregory & Hall, Inc.
Phil Gregory
Post Office Box 6196
Columbia, SC  29260
Human Resource Consultants - SCPMA-Endorsed for Employment
Endorsed for Employment Law Issues

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